- Full-Episodes
- Season 1
August 14, 2020
Action and Addition Both End in “ion”! – Spanish Captions
Read a story, explore the meaning of different word endings, practice addition and subtraction through a stuffed animal snack game, and discover music. Let’s Learn NYC! offers remote learning right on TV for grades 3K-2, taught by NYC Department of Education professionals. Lessons include literacy, math, music, movement, science and social studies.
Season Episodes
A is for Alexander
Explore short "a," count shapes and objects, and discover why soap is important
O is for Odd Numbers
Read HAIR LOVE, explore short "o," discover shapes, and learn about our bodies
U is for Umbrella
Read PUDDLE, create a science journal, explore short "u," and measure time.
E is for Excellent
Read SWATCH, count shapes and objects, explore short "e," and make connections to text.
Sl is for Slurp
Read Stone Soup, explore sound blends, play a number game, and understand why we use soap.
Ch is for Change
Read a story, explore digraphs like "ch," learn about families, and measure with cereal.
Scr is for Scratch
Read a story, explore digraphs like "ch," learn about families, and measure with cereal.
Can you Hear the “ng” in Sing?
Read a story, explore "bonus letters," make a family tree, and measure household items.
Bl is for Blend!
Read UNICORN DAY, explore blends and digraphs, learn how computers work, and measure time.
Can You Hear the Long “a” in Shape?
Read a story, explore "magic e," learn about shapes, and discover what sinks and floats.
Can You Hear the Long “o” in Hope?
Read a story, practice the "o" sound, discover how computers work, and explore families.
Can You Hear the Long “i” in Valentine?
Read stories with Eva Chen, explore equal objects, and discover different family cultures.
Can You Hear the Long “e” in We and Me?
Read THE NIGHT WORKER, play with syllables, explore patterns, and experiment with weather.
Can You See the Long “e” in Team?
Read a story, play math guessing games, build words with long "e," and make a launcher.
Can You See the Long “i” in Light?
Read a story, explore long "i," practice addition/subtraction, and learn about computers.
One Rhymes with Fun!
Read a story, practice compounds and syllables, count to ten, and explore weather types.
T and OP Make Top!
Read a story, practice onset and rime, play with patterns, and explore feelings.
What’s the Sound of “ar” in Star?
Read CURLS THAT SWIRL, experiment with weather, explore "ar," and measure with cereal.
What’s the Sound of “ur” in Surf?
Read AT THE SHORE, measure time, explore community helpers, and practice "bossy r."
How Many Syllables are in Tempo?
Read PIG PIG GROWS UP, count shapes, explore compound words and syllables, and make music!
How Many Syllables are in Feelings?
Read a story, explore compound words, learn about plants, and manage big feelings.
What’s the Sound of “or” in Corner?
Read THIS AND THAT, make recycled paper, practice the "or" sound, and tell a shape story.
Bay Rhymes with Day!
Read a story, rhyme and sing, add and subtract numbers, and manage our bodies and minds.
What’s the Sound of “er” in Helper?
Read a poem, explore shapes, practice short vowels, and learn about community helpers.
Coat Rhymes with Boat!
Read a story, rhyme with picture cards, measure and count, and manage big feelings.
Can You Hear the Long “oo” in Group?
Read a poem, explore computers, practice "oo," and discover living and non-living things.
What’s the Sound of “ow” in Owl?
Read INSECTS, explore computers, practice "ou" and "ow," and investigate raccoons.
Can You See the “oi” in Join?
Read a poem, sort shapes, practice "oi" and "oy," and explore why soap is important.
What’s the Sound of “alk” in Walk?
Read a poem, explore patterns, practice "aw" and "au," and identify types of resources.
Music and Math Start with the Same Sound!
Read a story, practice phonemic awareness, explore core units, and make music.
How Many Syllables are in Balance?
Read I LIKE MYSELF, play listening games, make homemade playdough, and dance!
Can You Hear the Long “u” in Music?
Read a poem, explore bar graphs, practice long "u," and make homemade ice cream.
Sh is for Shape!
Read a story, learn how to protect the environment, explore shapes, and blend sounds.
Colorful Crayons is Alliteration!
Read a story, practice rhyming, make homemade crayons, and explore dramatic play.
Can You Hear the Short “a” in Add?
Read a story, explore the equal sign, practice short vowels, and learn about engineering.
What are the Sounds in Over?
Read a story, blend and segment words, practice spatial vocabulary, and sing a song.
What’s the Sound of “oo” in Look?
Read a story, identify shapes, explore "oo," and make non-dairy homemade ice cream.
See Rhymes with Me!
Read a story, build word awareness, explore the five senses, and manage emotions.
Can You Hear the Long “i” in Find?
Read a story, explore shapes, build phonemic awareness, and create bubble wands.
B and OX Make Box!
Read a story, practice word parts and sounds, sort shapes, and make a memory box.
Can You Hear the Long “o” in Toes?
Read a story, explore directions, practice long "o," and learn spatial vocabulary.
Can You Hear the Short “e” in Belly?
Read a story, practice short "e," make homemade granola, and create musical instruments.
Can You Hear the Long “e” in Field?
Read a poem, explore shapes, practice long "e," and discover maps and directions.
Can You Hear the Short “i” in Inspire?
Read a story, practice short vowel sounds, make musical instruments, and explore shapes.
What’s the Sound of “ar” in March?
Read and write a story, explore computer coding, practice "ar," and count and add.
E is for Equity!
Read a story, practice short "e" and "o," create a number story, and practice breathing.
What’s the Sound of “oo” in Groove?
Read and write a story, learn about local leaders, practice "oo," and manage big feelings.
J is for Justice
Read MIX IT UP, practice short vowels, explore baby animals, and move your body!
Can You Hear the Short “e” in Protest?
Read Corduroy, practice short "e" and "o," have a math tea party, and manage big feelings.
Can You Hear the Long “e” in Complete?
Read and write a story, explore the census, practice long "e," and count to ten.
C and AT Make CAT!
Read a story, blend and segment words, explore worms and compost, and learn about opera.
What’s the Sound of “au” in Pause?
Read and write a story, explore the sense of touch, practice "aw," and discover shapes.
What’s the Sound of “air” in Fair?
Read and write a story, tell time, explore "r" vowels, and learn why apples turn brown.
Counting and Dancing Both End in “ing”!
Read a story, practice word parts, learn about the census, and dance like clouds.
A is for Activist!
Read a story, explore short "a," count shapes, and discover why soap is important.
I is for Imagination!
Read a story, practice short "I," make homemade crayons, and explore dramatic play.
Can you find the Short “o” in Box?
Read NOT A BOX, practice short "o,” explore families and learn about shapes.
A is for Awesome!
Read a story, practice short vowel sounds, make musical instruments, and make patterns.
U is for Us!
Read a story, practice vowels, add and subtract numbers, and manage our bodies and minds.
What’s the Sound of “oi” in Voice?
Discover vowel teams, make slime, practice counting, and read a story.
Can You Find the Short “u” in Puddle?
Read PUDDLE, learn about weather, explore short "u," and practice measurement.
Can You Hear the Long “a” in Shape?
Read a story, explore long "a," learn about shapes, and discover what sinks and floats.
Can You Find the Long “i” in Unite?
Read a story, explore long "I," discover patterns, and learn about pollination
Can You Find the Long “o” in Code?
Read a story, explore the long "o" sound, graph observations, and learn about citizens.
Can You Find the Long “U” in Super?
Read MI VOZ, explore long "u," practice numbers and counting, and experiment with water.
Can You Find the Long “E” in We?
Read THE NIGHT WORKER, play with syllables, explore patterns, and discover the senses.
What’s the Sound of “ar” in Part?
Share a story, explore the weather, practice "ar," and learn about scale and proportion.
What’s the Sound of “er” in Helper?
Read a poem, explore shapes, practice short vowels, and learn about community helpers.
Can You Find the Long “e” in Complete?
Read SULWE, explore long "e," play a shopping game and learn about community service.
What’s the Sound of “or” in Corner?
Read a story, make recycled paper, practice the "or" sound, and tell a shape story.
What’s the Sound of “ea” in Peak?
Read a story, practice vowel teams, learn about fractions, and discover the world.
What’s the Sound of “ow” in Know?
Read JABARI JUMPS, practice vowel teams, discover shapes, and do a taste test.
What’s the Sound of “ew” in Few?
Read a story, practice vowel teams, discover number bonds, and learn about citizens.
What’s the Sound of “ow” in Owl?
Read INSECTS, explore computers, practice "ou" and "ow," and investigate raccoons
What’s the Sound of “aw” in Awesome?
Read I LIKE MYSELF, explore the sound "aw," make homemade playdough, and dance!
Marching and Singing Both End in “ing”!
Read a story, learn about word endings, practice spatial vocabulary, and sing a song.
Unequal and Unjust Start with ‘un’!
Read a story, learn prefixes, discover the engineering process, and explore feelings.
Action and Addition Both End in “ion”!
Read a story, explore suffixes, play a math board game, and discover music.
Sl is for Slurp
Read STONE SOUP, explore sound blends, play a number game, and understand why we use soap.
C and AT Make CAT!
Read a story, blend and segment words, explore worms and compost, and learn about opera.
T is for Top!
Read a story, play math guessing games, practice short vowels, and make a launcher.
Can You See The Long “e” in Dream?
Read a story, practice long vowels, explore families, and count objects.
One Rhymes with Fun!
Read a story, practice compounds and syllables, count to ten, and explore weather types.
How Many Syllables are in Experiment?
Read a story, explore compound words, learn about plants, and manage big feelings.
Coat Rhymes with Boat!
Read a story, rhyme with picture cards, measure and count, and manage big feelings
Cat and Core Start with the Same Sound!
Read a story, practice phonemic awareness, explore core units, and make music.
Counting and Dancing Both End in “ing”!
Read a story, practice word parts, learn about the census, and dance like clouds.
J is for Justice!
Read MIX IT UP, practice short vowels, explore baby animals, and move your body!
Let’s Learn NYC Families!
Learn how to support your child's learning this fall and about available city resources.
Clips by Subject